Moxie affiliate program

Chances are, you know some other freelancers. And chances are, they don’t know about Moxie. We’d sure appreciate your help spreading the word. Affiliates are a big part of our growth strategy here at Moxie.

Program overview

How does Moxie’s affiliate program work?

If you like the app and already tell people about it, we really appreciate it! We’d like to show our gratitude by sending you $50 for every person who signs up through your link. 

Here’s how to start earning affiliate commissions: 

  • Get your unique affiliate code
  • Talk about how Moxie works for you and add your code (some examples below!)
  • Start sharing wherever you have an audience

A quick word on promoting Moxie

Some of you are pros with all things affiliate. You know the drill.

For those of you who are newer to earning affiliate commissions, keep in mind that many online communities frown on overt promotions and anything resembling link dumping. 

That doesn’t mean you can’t talk about an app you’re excited about, especially if you’re explaining what a new feature has meant for you and your business.

So before you post about Moxie, ask yourself these questions:

  • Why should other freelancers care? 
  • What’s better or different now that you’re using Moxie? 
  • Why is a specific Moxie tool valuable to you as a freelancer?
  • How can you flatten the learning curve for other freelancers?
  • Tell the story of how you’re using Moxie to run your freelance business. The more specific you are, the better. It’s all about the framing. 

Check out the examples from other affiliates we’ve collected below, then head on down to the design templates, swipe copy, and FAQs. 

If you have any questions related to the affiliate program or need anything, reach out to Michelle Lee at

Examples from other affiliates

moxie pg
A call-out Austin L. Church used in his Freelance Cake newsletter.
moxie ad
A YouTube review video that Dave Swift created with his affiliate link in the caption.

Design templates

Not a graphic designer? No problem. Clicking on any of the templates below will take you to Canva where you can create a free account.

Then, all you have to do is drag your images into the browser window and drop them onto the template to customize it. Canva is friggin’ simple and amazing. (Graphic designers, just skip this section and pretend you didn’t hear us talk about Canva.)

What should I say about Moxie?

Our team responds to every ticket and support request—no AI bots for us!—and we’ve noticed some themes. Here’s what people seem to appreciate most:

home repair

Stupid good tools

Other options include:
”I discovered it at the perfect time.” - Ezinne N.“
Makes my life easier.” - Monica S.
“Do business without all the extra nonsense.”

“Moxie uncomplicates things.”
Cheniece P.
“Moxie saved me about $80/m by providing all the tools I use everyday.”
Shane R.

Saves you money

How much has Moxie saved you from cancelled platforms? How much in saved time? Can it even be calculated!?

person playing


“I found myself being a ‘hectic’ freelancer trying to manage everything on spreadsheets. Safe to say it wasn't working very well - well to be honest it was a disaster.” - This was Garrett. If you’ve been feeling this way too, we’ll bring you sanity and simplicity instead of an overly complex tech stack.

“I literally feel joy when I use it, and my once tedious tasks feel so much fun now.”
Lisa C.
“I keep finding new things that delight! Oh, and did I mention they take feedback seriously?”
Lilli K.
history edu

You can have nice things

Enterprise quality software for freelancers and small businesses everywhere.

Swipe copy you can use

We realize you’ll want to tweak this copy to sound like you. Still, these writing samples can save you some time. 


  • I’ve really been digging @withmoxieapp Freelance apps usually suck, but this one is really good. Wish I’d found it years ago. Better late than never. Check it out: [insert your affiliate link]
  • These tools from @withmoxieapp are just stupid good, especially for freelancers. I love having a single log in and keeping everything in one place. [insert your affiliate link]

CTAs for blogs, newsletters, YouTube captions, or carrier pigeons

  • All the freelance experts say work smart, not hard, but they don’t tell you what that looks like, day to day. I figured it out. It looks like Moxie. Stupid-good tools. A single log-in. No-brainer price ($20 per month). Customer support that makes me want to hug someone. How is every U.S.-based freelancer not using this? When you’re ready, you should check it out: [insert your affiliate link]
  • $20 per month for the complete toolkit you need to run your freelance business: proposals, contracts, invoicing, scheduling links, client communication, project management, time tracking, CRM, and even a customizable client portal. How is every U.S.-based freelancer not using this? When you’re ready, you should check it out: [insert your affiliate link]
  • Every once in a while, you find an app that makes you believe the human race may actually be advancing. My latest find was Moxie, which has replaced my other freelance-related apps. I’m using it to run my entire business, and the customer support is killer. Why aren’t they charging $100 per month instead of $20? When you’re ready, you should check it out: [insert your affiliate link]
  • I keep on waiting for Moxie to disappoint me, but it hasn’t yet. The complete toolkit you need to run your freelance business: proposals, contracts, invoicing, scheduling links, client communication, project management, time tracking, CRM, and even a customizable client portal. Really good customer support. $20/month. I think I’m in love. When you’re ready, you should check it out: [insert your affiliate link]

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I get my unique affiliate link?

To find your unique affiliate link and log into your dashboard. You can also go to Workspace settings and look for “Refer a friend, earn $50!” Scroll down the page to see your link, which will look like this:

What counts as a referral and how do I earn affiliate commissions?

Once you’ve got your link, you can start generating affiliate commissions. People who sign up through your link will get a free 30-day trial with no credit card required. When they sign up and become a paying Moxie subscriber, you'll earn an affiliate commission of $50 after they have been a paying user for 2 months.

Can I refer myself?

It's cheating a little bit. Besides, the aim of a referral program is to encourage affiliates and ambassadors to spread the word about Moxie, not to get a discount for yourself.

When and how do I get paid?

You'll get your first commission after your first referral has been a happily paying customer of Moxie for 2 months. We pay out commissions once a month, on the 1st of each month, using PayPal. We give it an extra 30 days to account for any cancellations or chargebacks.

You’ll receive an email when the payout is completed.

How can I get paid if I don't have PayPal?

Right now, you can't. Our affiliate solution has some restrictions.

How do I track referrals?

You can view your commissions and other affiliate stats at

My friend/client signed up without using the referral link? What can I do?

You can submit your friend or client's email as a lead. When it is matched up with an account with the same email, you will be credited. This is designed for this specific use case. Using your link will always be your best and easiest option rather than entering all your contacts manually and hoping they sign-up.

Why can't I see my sign-ups and/or rewards?

Our tracking is based on browser cookies. If you used a different browser/device from the visit to sign up, cleared your cookies, used incognito mode, or signed up from your own referral link, the signup may not be tracked. 

You can manually register your leads if they aren't visible in your lead list. If you don't see the person referred, but you know they signed up, you can manually add their email.

What's the referral cookie life?

The referral cookie life is 120 days. If a user purchases the product after 120 days after first clicking your unique link, the conversion won’t be tracked.