Why work together with Moxie?

Different workspaces
for different teams

Build your team or work on others, Moxie makes it easy to join other freelancers' workspaces or invite an admin to manage your account.

individual workspaces
transparent partnerships


There’s no need to dig through your inbox when all of your communication is With Moxie. Comment, tag, link, attach and bring clarity to your collaborations, all in one place.

The votes are in... Freelancers love Moxie.

Team-wide project

Do you got this or do they got this? Give everyone a better understanding of what needs to be done—and who needs to do it—by assigning and managing tasks in Moxie.

team project management
team tracking and invoicing

All-inclusive time
tracking and invoicing

When you’re working together, all of your time adds up to the same project. Simplify your client’s experience with the option to track time and bill as a group.


Bring everyone together

Get started with Moxie
Manage clients and projects, create professional invoices, and organize future opportunities.
Or $20/month when you pay annually
Team up and grant all-access to everyone who makes the dream work.
Or $32/month when you pay annually
More details and FAQs