

Our team of career freelancers writes about best invoice practices, what makes a great client, and repeats the mantra, "never work without a contract." We're opinionated about the future of work and will always be on the side of freelancers.

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Do We Need a Business Bank Account as a Freelancer?
To bank or not to bank, that is the question! Dive into the freelance finance quest of: do you really need a business bank account?
How To Calculate Your Freelance Hourly Rate Step-By-Step: A Guide For The Go-Getter Freelancers
Dear go-getter freelancers, next time someone asks about your rate, channel the confidence of a lemonade mogul, stand tall, and remember—you're selling the crème de la crème of lemonades in this vast freelance market.
You're Probably Calculating Freelance Rates All Wrong
With a suite of tools designed for freelancers, Moxie can help you get a clear picture of your finances and get those rates just right.
Why freelancers need a sales pipeline tool
Sustaining a profitable freelance business with a steady stream of clients? It's not a pipe dream. A pipeline is the answer.
7 tips to turn freelancing into a career
7 practical steps for when you start dreaming about a full time career in freelancing. (Tips on convincing your mom not included.)
Moxie is for freelancers
We're on a mission to empower every entrepreneurial mind to turn passion into success.
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