
Michelle Lee

Michelle Lee worked in marketing and promotions for radio and event coordination for non-profits. Today, she uses those skills to sell the day’s schedule to three tiny humans. Michelle gets most excited about helping people reach their fullest potential and finding a G-2 .38 pen.

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Lead Generation for Freelancers: A Practical Guide with a Dash of Moxie
Hey there, go-getter freelancers! The freelance world is expanding more than ever before Globally, the freelance market was valued at $3.9 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach $9.57 billion by 2030.
Michelle Lee
How to Manage Days Off as a Freelancer
As a freelancer, days off are not just pauses in your workflow; they are essential chapters in your career story that deserve as much attention and planning as any project deadline.
Michelle Lee
Spotting the Red Flags: Signs of a Bad Client for Freelancers
Spotting a bad client early on can be just as crucial as finding a good one. Identify those red flags with the cheeky yet expert guidance that Moxie embodies.
Michelle Lee
Managing Ongoing Client Relationships as a Freelancer: Cultivating Success with Moxie
As a freelancer, you know that each client relationship is like cultivating a rare orchid. Transform the art of managing ongoing client relationships with Moxie.
Michelle Lee
Best Communication Tools for Freelancers: Harnessing the Power of Moxie
As freelancers, juggling multiple projects and clients, your success hinges on clear communication.
Michelle Lee
The Art of Crafting a Freelance Tax Invoice: Get Paid Faster
Understanding the ins and outs of a tax invoice isn't just good practice — it's a symphony of numbers, details, and legal necessities that play together in harmony.
Michelle Lee
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