

Editor's picks
6-figure freelancing jobs in 2022
Ready to build a high-paying freelance career? Here are the best paying freelancing jobs for 2022.
michael jung
Michael Jung
Freelance for the community
Ever wanted to give back with your freelance work? In this article we chat about what this could look like and why it matters.
marissa morrow
Marissa Morrow
6 ways to make more money from freelance writing
There are plenty of ways to make more money as a freelance writer that don’t involve asking for a raise. Here are six strategies to earn that bigger paycheck!
michael jung
Michael Jung
Do you want to make a mint as a freelancer? Here's how to become an in-demand freelancer in 2022
Is freelancing a good way to make money? The real question you need to ask is, "How much money do you want to make?"
anthony sills
Anthony Sills
6 Ways to Ask Your Freelance Clients For a Raise and Negotiate Freelance Rate
Think asking for a raise is tough? Imagine getting multiple freelance clients to increase your rates. Here are six ways to earn that higher paycheck.
michael jung
Michael Jung
How to know when to increase your freelance rates (and by how much)
Increasing your freelance rates can be a daunting task if you have never done it before. Here are a few signs and tips to help you through the process.
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