
Freelance hacks

Editor's picks
Lead Generation for Freelancers: A Practical Guide with a Dash of Moxie
Hey there, go-getter freelancers! The freelance world is expanding more than ever before Globally, the freelance market was valued at $3.9 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach $9.57 billion by 2030.
Michelle Lee
Michelle Lee
How to Manage Days Off as a Freelancer
As a freelancer, days off are not just pauses in your workflow; they are essential chapters in your career story that deserve as much attention and planning as any project deadline.
Michelle Lee
Michelle Lee
Best Communication Tools for Freelancers: Harnessing the Power of Moxie
As freelancers, juggling multiple projects and clients, your success hinges on clear communication.
Michelle Lee
Michelle Lee
The Art of Crafting a Freelance Tax Invoice: Get Paid Faster
Understanding the ins and outs of a tax invoice isn't just good practice — it's a symphony of numbers, details, and legal necessities that play together in harmony.
Michelle Lee
Michelle Lee
How To Escape The Single Client Trap As A Freelancer
Dive into the art of diversifying your client portfolio, brought to you by Moxie. Have the power to choose from an array of clients, projects, and opportunities.
Michelle Lee
Michelle Lee
How To Stay Organized as a Freelancer: A Moxie Guide for Go-Getter Freelancers
In the bustling world of freelancing, staying organized isn’t just nice to have — it’s your lifeline to sanity.
Michelle Lee
Michelle Lee
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